The strangely named Wagga Wagga! Our last stop of the trip before we return to Victoria for the first time since April.
Wagga Wagga wasn’t really on our plans, but we picked it at random as it looked like a biggish town on the map. It seemed like a good stop for 3 nights before heading back to Vic.
It’s certainly a reasonably sized town. The population is about 65k and it has produced a lot of famous people including cricketers Mark Taylor, Geoff Lawson and Michael Slater, woman basher Wayne Carey, the yellow Wiggle, as well as Dane Edna.
Not a bad list indeed! We had three days to explore, but we didn’t really get up to a whole lot in the end.
Saturday, Oct 14th (Day 191)
One of our last drives on this trip, and our last drive in NSW. Todays trip is a 2h45m trip so not too bad.
While we were having breakfast, we heard one of the long term tenants here at the park having an argument then run out side swearing real loud. We cannot wait to leave this place!

Once on the road, we spotted a little farmers market in the middle of Goulburn town so stopped for a quick look around, then we were officially on our way about 11am!
On the way we stopped in Yass for a little look around, then another stop in Gundagai.
Yass was a lovely little town in what seemed like the middle of nowhere. The main street was historic and it had a population of about 17k. We went for a nice walk up and down, before heading back to the car to continue our journey.

Next stop was about an hour away in Gundagai. It’s a spot for the famous Tuckerbox Dog which we actually saw on our previous trip in 2020. The town is absolutely beautiful with lovely mountain views overlooking the historic old street.
This is where we stopped for lunch at The Coffee Pedaler which supposedly had the best coffee between Sydney and Melbourne.

We finally arrived in Wagga Wagga around 2pm and after we setup, we didn’t leave the park again, other than to get some snacks at the IGA next door.
The park seemed pretty nice and they fortunately put us in a nice and shady spot, pretty close to the toilets. That’s all we can ask for.

The rest of the afternoon was spent lounging around in the park, then playing some games later on in the evening with Jack. Maybe tomorrow we might explore Wagga a little more.
Sunday, Oct 15th – (Day 192)
This might just be the quietest caravan park we’ve stayed in yet. There are plenty of caravans here, but everyone keeps to themselves and you can’t hear a peep. Very handy for sleep ins in the morning!

Today was a pretty lazy day and we didn’t get up to much. This morning Adam watched the Timberwolves vs Knicks pre season match on the NBA app. It feels like an eternity ago that we were watching Wolves games earlier in this trip.
After the game we had a bit of lunch and then decided to walk into town for a look around.

There was a pretty nice walking path that goes along the creek right into town, so we went along that. It was about a 30 minute walk in total.
It turns out that Wagga Wagga is a bustling little town. The main street reminded us of Sturt St crossed with the Bridge Mall. There were lots of people about and retail seems to be thriving.
We went up and down and went for a look around in the mall. In the end we got ourselves Boost Juice and grabbed some groceries, then it was back to the park for the rest of the evening.

It was a pretty low key night. We made some tea and then played some board games with Jack.
We did plan to watch the Love Is Blind reunion show, but unfortunately it was on Monday, not today. So that’s a job for tomorrow night!
Monday, Oct 16th – (Day 193)
Today was felt very much like yesterday. We didn’t get out of bed until around 10am and it was a lazy old morning for us.
It was our last day in NSW before we headed to Victoria again tomorrow. We didn’t really get up to much in the morning, just killing some time and relaxing.

We had some lunch around 1pm and then continued chilling until 4pm when we decided to go for another walk into town.
Wagga had a Grill’d and today was meat free Monday’s, so we couldn’t let the opportunity for a free burger slip. Grill’d restaurants were a rare commodity on this trip too, we hadn’t seen one since Darwin.
Before having some tea we walked up and down the streets again and did a little bit of shopping. We finally found a new clock for the caravan to replace the old microwave clock. A cute little cube one that fit perfectly.

Then we walked home and Varun messaged asking if we were up for some games. Of course we were! We had fun playing the new version of muglets with the dragon. Pretty stressful stuff.
We ended the evening watching the reunion episode of Love Is Blind………….