Opening our eyes this morning we had never been so happy to see daylight, after a night of gusty, strong winds we were glad to be alive and not sucked up by a twister and dumped a few kilometres down the road.
Even the campground manager drove down on his little golf cart to ask how we went, very unseasonable winds he said, “Haven’t had winds like that in a very long time.” Just our luck!
As we packed up the tent, we were in admiration that not even a peg had come loose. Thanks for looking after us tent.

On the road again we stop in at an IHOP for breakfast, we thought we had earned a nice hearty meal. Our oats, eggs, juice and hash browns eaten we leave Albuquerque and make tracks for Amarillo, Texas.
With the forecast for that night going to be wet, we decide to upgrade our tent site to a cabin, the last thing we want is a soaked tent and mud all over the place.
The little log cabin was nothing short of adorable, it had steps leading up to oa verandah where a little wooden chair swing hung out the front, entering there was a double bed, a couple of bunks, a very old TV and my favourite, a heater.

At nearly 2 weeks into our trip, a load of washing had to be done, otherwise we would be going commando soon. The washing powder purchased we wait the half hour for the washing to be done and then another half hour for the dryer to make our clothes toasty warm.
With us being the only ones in the laundry room, we couldn’t resist to get changed into our warm clothes as they come out of the dryer, aaaaahhhhhhh.
We had a fairground lined up to go to tonight, but with the incoming rain we decide to go to the cinema, our first movie since arriving in USA we were having withdrawals.
There’s nothing quite like switching off for a couple of hours and getting completely intertwined in a story, tonight’s movie was Mad Max.

After the movie we pop over the road to a steakhouse for dinner, it had been a while since we had a good steak and it didn’t disappoint, the meal was delicious, the best part was the giant baked sweet potato, we left that place feeling very, very full.
A little further down the road we drop into the Firehouse Sports Bar to catch the last half of the NBA, the place was packed full of people with TVs hanging in pretty much every space on the ceiling and walls, it was sport overkill!
Heading back to the cabin we look forward to some sleep in our new digs, tomorrow we head to Oklahoma for a few days, let’s hope the weather clears up and that we’re not just following this storm all around the USA.