Today is going to be a full day of being a fully blown tourist in Chicago. First up we jump on the double decker tour bus and get about half a tour of the city down, this guide was much better than yesterday’s boring old drone who only talked about the architecture of the city.
Yes it sounds interesting but trust me, after an hour of hearing about people we’d never heard of it got a bit tedious.
We arrive at the museum campus which housed the USA’s oldest planetarium, the biggest Aquarium, and the Field Museum, Adam was in heaven.

First, we hit the Planetarium where we learnt all about the solar system and the different planets and then saw 2 shows in a dome like Imax theatre where you lay back and pretty much watch the roof instead of a flat screen in front of you.
We actually learnt a great deal about different planets, the milky way and even the Goldilocks zone which was the sweet spot for a planet to orbit its star, just like earth, not too far away and not too close, were juuuuuuuuust right.
Our heads full we go to the aquarium next to decompress, we see the usual fish, frogs, sting rays, Linnies favourite chameleons and Adams favourite the beluga whales.It wasn’t the most amazing aquarium but we did get to peek at a dolphin and her new calf through a blocked off screen, take that security!
It wasn’t the most amazing aquarium but we did get to peek at a dolphin and her new calf through a blocked off screen, take that security!

Lastly for our museum day we walk over to the Field Museum. Adam was particularly excited about this one as it housed the world most complete T-Rex skeleton ever found. Her name was Sue and she certainly didn’t disappoint. She was huge!
The head of the Sue was so big and heavy that it had to be displayed in its own separate case upstairs, we even got to see a special movie on how they discovered it and what life would like have been like for Sue.
Just from her bones you could tell that she was 19 when she died, she had cracked 3 ribs in her past, an infected leg, had arthritis in her tail vertebrae and had a bone disease in her jaw bone that had eaten little holes right through her bone leaving little circles. Amazing!
After wandering around through a lot of stuffed animals and having a quick lunch we head back out and jump on the bus again to finish our tour. About an hour later we pass out back at the hotel for a few hours, we had done a LOT of walking.
Getting a bit peckish once again we wander around Chicago looking for a nice place to eat and settle on a laid back sporty place where we tuck into a delicious salad.
We make the long walk back to our hotel and settle in for the night and watch Back To The Future 2 on TV all tucked up in bed, having a TV in the bedroom is awesome.