Happy to cut our time short in Jackson, it was meant to be a two-night stay, but having explored the entirety of the downtown area and finding nothing but pavement and closed shops, we make new plans and now have a day up our sleeve that we reserve for the beach in Florida.
Today though we keep our plans and head to Montgomery, Alabama, and as we pull into our Doubletree Hotel we are delighted to be handed a doubletree cookie at check-in, still the best cookie in existence.
A very historic city, Montgomery was the epicentre of slave trade back in the day, so we spent the day walking the streets reading all of the sign posts as we went along.
First we come to Rosa Parks Fountain and park area, Rosa was the first ever black lady to stand up to the laws which forced black people to sit at the back of the bus, she refused to give up her seat and through that act she spurred on tens of thousands of black people to stand up for their rights.
We then walked up the Main Street where the protesters marched on the state Capitol Building. This was the same building where Martin Luther King spoke to the masses and eventually gave way to civil rights to black people across the nation.
Just up the road, we went inside the first ever White House where Jefferson Davis and his family lived, most of their original furniture was still there and we even met some New Zealander’s in there of all places.
Back toward our hotel area we go up to the river front, this was the place where most of the slave trading was done.New slaves would be shipped in and then dispersed throughout the cotton farms and homesteads, to think that just the
New slaves would be shipped in and then dispersed throughout the cotton farms and homesteads, to think that just the colour of your skin subjected you to such a life.
With large dark clouds creeping up on us yet again we make it back to the hotel before the heavens opened, luckily for us the hotel had a nice little restaurant so we order up some normal food, have a few beers (which may or may not have tipped over all onto the floor due to someone not being able to handle a game of room key card flick footy across the table).
A long shower and scrub in our pristine bathroom was in order as we will be camping for the next 9 days and safe to say we won’t see a bathroom like this for a while.we then watch our new favourite channel, the weather channel, with more flooding and destruction in Oklahoma and Texas we are glad to be heading toward the coast tomorrow and hope for nicer weather for the beach.
We then watch our new favourite channel, the weather channel, with more flooding and destruction in Oklahoma and Texas we are glad to be heading toward the coast tomorrow and hope for nicer weather for the beach.
More Photos from Montgomery