Another sleep in down we were ready for a full day of Oklahoma, unfortunately for us it was STILL raining, this was getting ridiculous.
So with the weather being what it was we decide to head to the outlet shops and do a spot of shopping. We come out with a lot of bargains, $20 Levis, $25 Nikes, $80 Asics, safe to say we cleaned up.
Across the road, we spot a brew house and head there for lunch. Getting quite tired of the American menus at 99% of restaurants consisting of every dish either being fried or smothered in melted cheese, we opt for sharing a salad.
Even half a salad is enough to feed 2 people, where’s the portion control people!
We head back to the hotel for a bit of a rest, shopping is hard work, before we head out to the local cinema in Bricktown to see Tomorrowland.
Getting out of the cinema we walk along the little canal that runs through Bricktown, such a picturesque spot with little ducks waddling around everywhere and beautiful gardens lining the pathways.
Then the rain comes, and gets heavier and heavier, by the time we find a restaurant to hide in for dinner we are fairly drenched.

We end up in ‘Toby Keith’s‘ a supposed famous country singers restaurant that we’d never heard of, but it kept us dry.
You couldn’t see or hear the rain apart from a lot of thunder rumbles, but when all the satellites went down and the TVs froze on vision of the weather radar with flooding and tornado warnings we knew it wasn’t going to be pretty.
Knowing we couldn’t stay there all night we made a mad dash to the car and took it slow and steady all the way back to the hotel watching the lightening show crack all across the black and gray sky.
We end the night with a hot chocolate by the imitation fire whilst watching the NHL ice hockey with a couple of locals, getting a few history lessons and rule explanations it was quite the productive night.
More Photos from Oklahoma City